Invisible World
of Aroma.
Invisible World of Aroma. Visualized.
What if, aroma bit is installed on smartphone, and you could post your favorite restaurant's sizzling food on SNS along with the aroma of it. What if, you have aroma bit sniff perfume, and you could tell its aroma in remote place.
A whole new horizon of possibility opened up - with aroma bit


Each of these smell adsorption membranes has different surface adsorption characteristics, enabing the sensor to detect and numerically analyze smell samples, which is a complex mixture of many unspecified chemical gas substances, as a specific response pattern.
It is generally known that the response patterns of similar smells are similar, and thus makes it possible, to create and develop a digital database library of smells to identify and discriminate one smell from the other.
The CMOS type is compact and it detects changes in the amount of electric charge on the surface of the sensor.
By applying the ability of the CMOS sensor itself to store electric charge on its surface, the change in the amount of charge caused by the adsorption/desorption of smell molecules on the membrane is converted as numerical output data.
Unlike conventional gas sensors, Aroma Bit's smell sensors can detect complex smell, and 5C-SSM (CMOS) can be used repeatedly, for a variety of smell related applications.

Smell Imaging Sensor
System development kit designed to add smell sensor feature your products & system
[QCM type/CMOS type]
*For corporate customers only.

QCM (Quartz Crystal Microbalance) type: Changes in mass caused by the adsorption/desorption of smell molecules on the membrane surface are detected as changes in the resonance frequency of the quartz crystal unit. The frequency change value for each membrane is measured and converted into numerical data.
Vender:Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd.

CMOS type: Using the CMOS sensor's ability to store an electric charge on its surface, the sensor converts the data into numerical values by detecting the increase or decrease in the amount of electric charge that occurs when smell molecules are adsorbed/desorbed on the membrane.
Smell Measurement Devices
For corporate customers only / CE certified product

Aroma Coder®V2-EE / Aroma Sampler®
Desktop type, high smell resolution analytical device, equipped with a high-performance smell imaging sensors. Equipped with 40 smell receptor membranes, enabling stable and repeatable, and yet high smell resolution measurement of complex smell samples, with simple, user friendly user interface.
Vender:Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd.
Digital Smell Data Solution, using digital Smell Data acquired from Smell Imaging Sensor and Sensor Measurement Devices.
*For corporate customers only.

Subscription type, cloud-base digital smell database development platform, with built-in data analysis functions. It supports analysis of data acquired from Smell Imaging Sensors, enabling customers to build their own unique digital Smell Databases.

Measurement & Analysis Service
Per-sample base measurement and analysis service, where Aroma Bit measures smell samples provided by customers. 5C-SSM evalution set is employed for the measurement. Several types of data delivery is available.
【Event】 Exhibit Information CEATEC 2024 on Oct. 15-18, 2024
【Press release】Aroma Bit succeeds in developing the world’s smallest*1 high-odor resolution CMOS semiconductor-based odor imaging sensor chip
【Product】Aroma Coder®V2-EE (detector unit) is now available for sale.
5C-SSM(CMOS type Sensor):Measurement Dada Samples [Food and Beverage]
[Collaborative Research] Collaborative Research paper is published on sensory evaluation, chemical identification and e-nose sensor on microalga Scenedesmus sp.
Case Study
Aroma Coder®V2 Set:Measurement Dada Samples [Orange juice by Manufacturer]